She Will Be Loved 她會被愛的

Beauty queen of only eighteen 只有18歲的選美皇后
She had some trouble with herself 她有一些問題必須面對
He was always there to help her 他總是在她身邊幫著她
She always belonged to someone else 然而她總是屬於某個別人

I drove for miles and miles 我開了好幾哩的路
And wound up at your door 站在你家門口 興奮又緊張
I've had you so many times but somehow 我已經擁有了你好幾次 但是
I want more 我還想要更多

I don't mind spending everyday 我不介意花費每一天
Out on your corner in the pouring rain 在大雨中站在角落等你
Look for the girl with a broken smile 尋找帶著殘破笑容的女孩
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile 開口問她想不想和我待一陣子
And she will be loved 而且 她會被愛的
She will be loved 她會被愛的

Tap on my window knock on my door 敲敲我的窗戶 叩叩我的門
I want to make you feel beautiful 我想讓你感到美麗
I know I tend to get insecure 我知道我有缺乏安全感的傾向
It doesn't matter anymore 但是那再也無所謂了

It's not always rainbows and butterflies 這世界不是總是彩虹和蝴蝶
It's compromise that moves us along 而是妥協在逼迫我們前進
My heart is full and my door's always open 我的心是滿的 而我的門也是開的
You can come anytime you want 只要你想 你就來

I don't mind spending everyday 我不介意花費每一天
Out on your corner in the pouring rain 在大雨中站在角落等你
Look for the girl with the broken smile 尋找帶著殘破笑容的女孩
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile 開口問她想不想和我待一陣子
And she will be loved 而且 她會被愛的
She will be loved 她會被愛的

I know where you hide 我知道你躲在哪裡
Alone in your car 你一個人坐在車裡
Know all of the things that make you who you are 知道所有把自己變成今天這個樣子的原因
I know that goodbye means nothing at all 我知道再見沒有任何意義
Comes back and begs me to catch her 因為她一墜落
every time she falls 就會回來求我抓住她

Tap on my window knock on my door 敲敲我的窗戶 叩叩我的門
I wanna make you feel beautiful 我想讓你感覺美麗

I don't mind spending everyday 我不介意花費每一天
Out on your corner in the pouring rain (oh) 在大雨中站在角落等你
Look for the girl with the broken smile 尋找帶著殘破笑容的女孩
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile 開口問她想不想和我待一陣子
And she will be loved 而且她會被愛的
And She will be loved 她會被愛的
And she will be loved 她會被愛的
(Please don't try so hard to say goodbye) (請不要這麼努力說再見)
And She will be loved 她會被愛的

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye 請不要這麼努力說再見
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye 請不要這麼努力說再見
(I don't mind spending everyday 我不介意花費每一天
out on your corner in the pouring rain) 在大雨中站在角落等你

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye 請不要這麼努力說再見

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    Jen's Cottage

    Jen's Cottage

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